
Date is set – Silva O´camp 2023 will be held in the end of July 22.-30.7.2023.
We are preparing brand new webpages, it will be ready soon!.



Gallery  from Silva O´Camp 2022.


Results E3


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Silva O´Camp

Every summer more than 170 young orienteers meet at the biggest trainign camp organised in the Czech Republic – Silva O‘ Camp at Vidnava in northern Moravia. The name for the camp was used for the first time in 1998, however the tradion of summer training camps organised by orienteers from the WOC 2008 host city Olomouc spans across much longer period.  Since the very beginning the camp the organisers have promoted and realised the idea of an orienteering camp for all young people interested in the sport. For this reason they decided to work with rather unusual large age spectrum of the participants – group of children aged between 8 to 20 years of age.

In 2003 the camp welcomed a group of orienteers from a distant and exotic country – a group of students from China. In 2006 the internationality of the camp was even bigger and thus you could hear, for example, such languages as Hebrew, Chinese, Swedish, Hungarian or Slovenian spoken in the camp. However, the official language, apart from Czech, is, and always will be, English.

These are the main and most important aspects on which the profile of the camp was built.  The camp itself is situated in the middle of one of the most beautiful orienteering terrain in the Czech Republic. In recent past there were several times organised the Czech National Championships as well as multi-day international events.

However, orienteering training is by far not the only activity at the camp. The organisers try to find good balance between running and other sport activities, which inseparably belong to holidays and young people. Fun and Entertainment In the evenings the participants of the camp meet to have fun and enjoy themselves. Every evening there’s an exciting menu ready for them – discotheques, meetings with Czech National Team runners, or the famous ‚Miss Vidnava‘ contest.

The team of the camp leaders is based on volunteers with great sense of humor and love for the job they are doing, none of which they lose despite the enormous responsibility they have. The optimum number of two leaders per team is a guarantee that everyone of the children will be taken care of with all the needs they may have.


DAY 8 – The Silva O´camp is over! It was wonderful 8 days of Orienteering, cycling, swimming, and parties 😊. We hope you enjoy the camp as much as we did. Big thanks to all participants, partners, and our coaches! Those who are still on the way home we would like to wish a safe and easy travel. Follow us for more pictures, videos, and information’s!!

DAY 7 – Despite the very bad weather, we can announce today as The Grande Finale of Silva Cup 2022. There was a fantastic fight for the medals the last stage of E3 – middle distance with chasing start on E3. Results of the last stage and overall results can be found at our webpage or ORIS results webpage. Afternoon program was Silva Camp Olympic games. Traditional last day games love kids as much as adults’ coaches. And at the evening? Everybody was dancing. It is rumored that today’s disco was the best for the whole Silva camp😊.
DAY 6 – Today we took a break from orienteering training and discover camp surroundings on bicycles, in train or at the bus. Sudden rain affects afternoon program. Fortunately, in this very moment appear our partner Oland sport and we all fall into the shopping fewer. Kids gets great opportunity to buy a new, clean, and dry clothes just before the evening night orienteering. Night orienteering was organized on the brand new map, from one of the best Czech map maker Zdeněk Rajnošek
DAY 5 – Fifth day of the camp and we continues in our challenging schedule. Morning training sessions was free order with the mass start and afternoon we had stage 2 of Silva Cup. City sprint in Vidnava town was a welcome change and the race was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants. The results from E2 can be found at ORIS web page.

DAY 4 – Fourth day is past, and we are all very tired after this thought day. Today was scheduled two hard training trainings – uphill challenge and training called there and back again. Main task for uphill challenge was follow the mandatory leg to the first control, that was place at the top of the Smolný vrch hill. Second training focus precisions map reading and runner concentration.
At the evening we start with Super-puncher – SI punching on time. We start with day light, but final was after the sunset. Thanks to @mekin company we made a wonderful light show, that made a unique atmosphere for spectators and even runners itself.

DAY 3 – Today we finally woke up into chili morning. After the series of hot days, we have perfect weather for running. We start our day with first stage of SILVA CUP – international Orienteering competition. Close results in this stage forecast a thrilling last two races. At the afternoon we have a relay competition. We compete in the same team as on previous Tiomila race. Organize a legit team relay with 189 children from all over the word was very challenging, but we manage it, and relay training was fun a thrilling to the last moment.After sunset we started the campfire and everybody taste traditional Czech sausages, grilled by kids itself.
DAY 2 – Silva O´camp continues and we start to train harder than ever before 😊 Two training sessions contains loops, in tricky terrain of Velká Kraš forest and No codes – training the focuses for detail control description reading. There were no control numbers and for every extra or missing control the runner gets time penalty. Right after lunch we start with official Jersey distribution. This moment was impatiently waited for a very long time. At the evening the Silva camp Tiomila was organized. Team relay across all ages and nationality.
DAY 1 – Silva O´camp is back again and Day-by-day report is here to inform you how great we are doing here. The very first day of the camp start with full schedule that contains meals, training, and welcome party. We have started with trainers choice, when all team´s coaches prepares a special training on,, permanent,, controls. Some teams even use a bicycle and combines orienteering, swimming, and cycling. At the evening there was an official welcome party.