BARKU shoes

New partner of Silva O´Camp


Silva camp PRECAMP will follow EYOC 2025

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Silva O´Camp

Every summer more than 170 young orienteers meet at the biggest trainign camp organised in the Czech Republic – Silva O‘ Camp at Vidnava in northern Moravia. The name for the camp was used for the first time in 1998, however the tradion of summer training camps organised by orienteers from the WOC 2008 host city Olomouc spans across much longer period.  Since the very beginning the camp the organisers have promoted and realised the idea of an orienteering camp for all young people interested in the sport. For this reason they decided to work with rather unusual large age spectrum of the participants – group of children aged between 8 to 20 years of age.

In 2003 the camp welcomed a group of orienteers from a distant and exotic country – a group of students from China. In 2006 the internationality of the camp was even bigger and thus you could hear, for example, such languages as Hebrew, Chinese, Swedish, Hungarian or Slovenian spoken in the camp. However, the official language, apart from Czech, is, and always will be, English.

These are the main and most important aspects on which the profile of the camp was built.  The camp itself is situated in the middle of one of the most beautiful orienteering terrain in the Czech Republic. In recent past there were several times organised the Czech National Championships as well as multi-day international events.

However, orienteering training is by far not the only activity at the camp. The organisers try to find good balance between running and other sport activities, which inseparably belong to holidays and young people. Fun and Entertainment In the evenings the participants of the camp meet to have fun and enjoy themselves. Every evening there’s an exciting menu ready for them – discotheques, meetings with Czech National Team runners, or the famous ‚Miss Vidnava‘ contest.

The team of the camp leaders is based on volunteers with great sense of humor and love for the job they are doing, none of which they lose despite the enormous responsibility they have. The optimum number of two leaders per team is a guarantee that everyone of the children will be taken care of with all the needs they may have.



Silva camp news live again! . All participants have arrived, had their first training session, received their camp t-shirts and danced their shoes off at the open air disco. Tomorrow there will be two tough training session in the form of KO Sprint and Chameleon, we will bring you a full day report tomorrow at a similar time as today. You can follow live feeds via Instagram and short videos on Facebook.


Today’s schedule includes one of the most challenging training sessions of the entire Silva O’Camp. The first of the training followed the latest trends in orienteering, specifically the KO sprint, which, unlike some world events, offered all competitors a choice of map in both heats. We also managed to dispel the myth that it takes more organisers than competitors to organise a KO sprint, and we managed to organise both the semi-final and the final in one sunny morning. brothers Simeon and Kiril Venev from Oland sport


The third day at Silva Camp started with the first stage of the Silva Cup. The technically demanding terrain tested the seriousness of preparation of all participants. The international race, which started on the football field in Velka Kraš, set the tempo for the remaining two stages. You can see how it turned out on


Despite the slightly unpleasant weather we had two full training sessions today as planned. The first of these training sessions took place in the part called „Heart of the Forest“. The area is famous for its ever-present leafy undergrowth in the rocky subsoil. Several short loops were prepared where the competitors tested their ability to quickly navigate the challenging terrain. The second training session then tested the grey brain cells of our competitors as a memory challenge was set up in the hillside above the camp. The difficulty of this training was high but to our surprise everything went without major problems and we met all the competitors back at camp.


Today’s day started with training in the most attractive part of the forest, where we ran a training called There and back again. The contact training was a preparation for the highlight of the camp – the final relay. The afternoon was followed by an O-triathlon. The swim, run and following micro orienteering in the form of a memory-o was a nice change after all the forest trainings. After dinner, we did make it to the forest after all, as a night race was on the schedule. The mass start gave the participants a chance to feel the atmosphere of big races like the Finnish Jukola or the Swedish Tiomila.


After all the training and experience we had a big day of racing ahead of us. In the morning, a one-man relay in Velká Kras – two laps of contact training that complete our preparations for the final relays.
In the afternoon, we swapped the forest for the city, and in the winding streets of Vidnava, there were tough battles for a good starting position in tomorrow’s chase. As a reward, everyone was treated to a roast sausage around the campfire in the evening.


The last full day started with the final stage of our Silva Cup. The chasing start was a complete new experience for many foreign runners, but our professional starting team handled the start very well. As the ancient Romans said, give the people bread and games and they will be satisfied. So after a delicious lunch, we kicked off the highlight of the camp – the Silva camp Olympics. In the evening, there was an price giving ceremony and a final disco.


This year’s Silva camp is over, all the kids are on the way home, all the controls back from the forest and we are already thinking about next year. Stay tuned for more videos, photos and information on next year’s Silva O’camp 2025