Příští Silva Camp se uskuteční v termínu 20-27. 7. 2025
Photos 2024 are finally out – PHOTOS
Silva O´camp 2024 is over
This year’s Silva camp is over, all the kids are on the way home, all the controls back from the forest and we are already thinking about next year. Stay tuned for more videos, photos and information on next year’s Silva O’camp 2025
Fun Facts
This year’s camp will be attended by 243 participants, 57 leaders, 1 head coach, 1 doctor, 3 logisticians, 1 security, 1 maintenance, 4 chefs and 1 dog, a total of 310 people + dog.
Participants from 10 countries will attend Silva Camp.
3759 maps were printed
415 T-shirts produced
205 kg of pasta bought
The quota for Czech participants was reached 2 minutes and 42 seconds after registration opened.
Silva O’Camp and the OF Asian Junior and Youth Training Camp in Japan are the only two camps with IOF certified status.
A bridge was built especially for this year’s camp, which required the permission of the state-owned company Odra Floods s.p.
O-shop at Silva Camp
On Monday 22 July, Oland Sport will be visiting Silva O’camp to offer you the opportunity to buy O- equipment. You can buy the best orienteering gear at special Silva Camp prices.
Another day of Pre Camp
This is the second day of our pilot project Pre Camp in Prague. All the teams are already on site and fully engaged in their first training sessions. After the first sprint in the area of Sinkule dormitory, a short middle followed in the Hvězda park. The third phase is currently in progress in the form of a photo orientation in Mala Strana. You can find the results of each training on the oresults.eu portal and some photos on our Facebook profile. We would like to thank our colleagues from Prague Adam Hajek, Adam Zavadil, Kačka Mišeková and Mára Petřivalský for their help in organising the camp in Prague. We would also like to thank the student club Fit++ for providing us with maps.
Follow us live
Social media will be our main information channel during the camp, as in previous years. Due to very poor internet access, we will only focus on this type of information sharing. On our FACEBOOK, you can follow a regular daily report, and on INSTAGRAM you can follow live feeds. All maps can be viewed on Livelox
Bulletin 2 has been published
The latest information about the camp has been published on the silvacamp.eu website. Tell your parents to check it out to avoid any problems during the camp check-in.
Teams 2024
The teams for this year have been announced. Check what team you are on, who are your team buddies and who will be your coach on this link.
Do you know where you’re gonna sleep?
On our website you will find a map with the distribution of cabins by nationality – https://ubytovani.silvacamp.eu/ – Reservation of accommodation is valid only for Czech participants who have registered using the online form
Silva O´camp has IOF patronage
Silva O’camp is the only camp in the world that has managed to achieve the status of International Youth Training Camp recognized by the IOF for the third time in a row.
Therefore, this year’s camp is again held under the official auspices of the International Orienteering Federation.
We would like to thank the International Orienteering Federation for granting us this privilege
Silva Camp Merch
This year we will have our own merch at Silva Camp, you will be able to choose from returnable cups, headbands and o-socks. The fastest ones can win these merchandise items, the rest of you can then buy themfor fair prices at Landis‘ candy shop.
News of June
For the first time ever, a team from Portugal will participate in the camp.
Bem-vindos ao Silva O’camp amigos!With 50 days to go until the camp, preparations are getting more and more intense. We’ve updated the 2024 schedule on the website, and next week we’re going to do a final visit to the camp and surrounding area.
With one week to go until the t-shirt size deadline, it’s time to check that you have the correct size written down.
Get ready for Silva O´camp
New for this year is the opportunity to take part in a pre-camp in Prague. This minicamp will combine both orienteering and a cultural programme. Prague is an amazing place that will surely surprise you with its orienteering possibilities.
The precamp will take place from 18 to 21 July 2024 and at the end all participants will be transported to Vidnava.
Jersey 2024
We are about to unveil the 2024 tshirt. We can’t even tell you what it will look like yet, we can only reveal that this year the model will be the same for both boys and girls. At Oland sport they are already working on the final design and fine-tuning the last details before the release. Can you guess what colour it will be this year?
Silva Cup Results
Results from E1, E2 a Overall Results
Photos from this year was uploaded you can find them on this link.
TEAMS 2023
The teams for this year have been announced. Check what team you are on, who are your team buddies and who will be your coach on this link.
Lodging reservation
Like last year, this year’s accommodation reservations will be made via the website. Although we plan to start booking in a few days, it is already time to think about who wants to stay where and with whom at the camp. ! Reservations only apply to participants registered through the reservation system (and staying in the cabins), foreign expeditions register through their main leader!
Calm before the storm
At the weekend we went to inspect Vidnava camp. We checked the condition of the cabins, beds and maps. With a good conscience we can declare that everything is as it should be 😊. The map was again a year out of date, but for that we called one of the best Czech and Moravian mapmakers – Zdeněk Rajnošek. He is currently revising the map above Habina, which suffered the biggest changes due to the bark beetle calamity.
Silva O´camp and bicycles
After a long hesitation, we decided to make a major change this year – we will use only rental bikes at this year’s camp. This change will bring great relief to parents who transport their children to the camp, and at the same time it will not cheat any participant, because we guarantee that everyone (except the little ones) will ride their bikes at least once per camp. We believe that this new feature will take our camp one step further.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Allow us to present this year’s jersey design! Blue for the boys, purple for the girls. Oland sport also did the first experienced printing on the fabric and the colors look great. Have you lost weight or grown a little? Never mind, you can change your size until Friday!
What is waiting for you this year? Check out the programme for this year!
First international entries, olé
First international entry comes from Spain, bienvenidos de nuevo amigos!
Learnjoy Camp
he Chinese orienteers were between the first foreign runners who ever took part in Silva O´camp. They enjoyed to return to the Moravian forests and last time they trained in Vidnava in 2017. Amazing camp spirit and acquired know-how inspired the Chinese coaches to the idea of organizing a similar training camp at home. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 restrictions postponed the entire project, and the first event was held only this year.
The event for young orienteers, named Learnjoy camp, was held from 18 to 25 July 2022, that means on a similar date to the Czech Silva O´camp. The venue of the camp was the Yanqing resort in the mountainous suburbs of Beijing – centre of the 2022 Winter Olympics. The young orienteers trained mainly in the big parks, but they also got a chance to run in the forest terrain. Camp participants tried also night orienteering or increasingly popular knock-out sprint. There were also unusual activities such as a „communication“ orienteering run, where one of the pair navigated according to the map and the other ran in the terrain according to the instructions from the radio.
Similar to Silva O´camp, the Chinese Learnjoy camp also had a number of recreational activities on the program. Kids have visited the Winter Olympic Village, including the famous National Sliding Centre, also known as „The Flying Snow Dragon“. Remembering games on snow and ice in July´s hot weather was almost as refreshing as another their activity – kayaking.
Theory lessons with experienced lecturers, together with a lot of practice, significantly improved everyone´s map skills and physical condition. And that was more than useful during the final race in the challenging area of the Expo park.
In addition to the performance improvement itself, the Learnjoy camp also managed to provide that „extra something“ that makes the orienteering so special. A love for outdoor sport, new friendships and immense joy from every punched control
Silva O’camp has supported the project of the orienteering camp in China from the very beginning and plans to cooperate in the future as well.
Gallery from Silva O´Camp 2022.