Bulletin 1

Preliminary information about Silva O´camp 2025. Remember you can always write to us with any question what comes in to your mind.

 SILVA O’Camp association (CZE)


EUR – 295 EUR (lodge)

EUR – 255 EUR (tent)


Summer camp Black Creek, Velká Kraš, the Czech Republic July 20th – 27th, 2025

Place and date

Accommodation in cabins, bed clothing, food (3 meals per day + extra snacks), training maps, running jersey in Silva camp design, bike rental


Transportation of participants to the camp

Not included

Orienteering kit, headlight


8-17 years, exceptions shall be discussed with the camp managment


We prefer national (or club) group, consist of 10-25 children and leaded by one/two coaches

Preferred group

Preliminary entries should be done until the end of the year. We just need to know, that you are interested in to the camp and rough estimate of participants. For first touch you can use our email adress


Final entries with names, coaches, t-shirt sizes…. should be done until end of the March 2024

Final entries

All your questions will answered on our email adress


As standard we offer a transport from Olomouc to the camp (for extra fee), but we are ready to help you with transport from nearest international airports
